Cascoda SDK
Cascoda SDK for building software to run with CA-821x transceivers
►Nca | |
C_prv_instance_ | |
C_security_instance_ | |
C_server_instance_ | |
Cacc_ctrl_oi_s | |
Cacc_ctrl_ri_s | |
Cactuator_details | |
Caerial_adapter_payload_with_message_t | |
Caerial_adapter_payload_without_message_t | |
Cairquality4_cfg_t | Click configuration structure definition |
Cairquality4_t | Click ctx object definition |
Cambient8_cfg_t | Click configuration structure definition |
Cambient8_t | Click ctx object definition |
Cblink_ctx | |
Cbtn_callback_info | Callbacks and associated timers for the buttons |
Cbuffer_queue | Queue struct for singly-linked list of buffer_queue_items |
Cbuffer_queue_item | Single item in a singly-linked list of data buffers |
Cca821x_api_callback | Union of all compatible callback types |
Cca821x_api_callbacks | API user callbacks structure |
Cca821x_dev | CA-821x Device reference struct |
Cca821x_exchange_base | Base structure for exchange private data collections |
Cca821x_util_init_extra_arg | Extra argument to the function ca821x_util_init() |
Cca_device_info | Struct for getting info of connected devices (primarily for enumerating them) |
Cca_flash_info | Description of the internal flash |
Cca_tasklet | Internal tasklet state structure |
Cca_version_number | |
CCliCommand | |
Cclient_data_t | |
Cconn_s_data_t | |
Cconnected_device | |
Cconnection_t | The struct for holding information about each connection the lwm2m stack uses |
Ccrc_32_test_vector | |
Cdata_airquality4 | |
Cdata_ambient8 | |
Cdata_environment2 | |
Cdata_expand13 | |
Cdata_fan | |
Cdata_hvac | |
Cdata_motion | |
Cdata_relay | |
Cdata_sht | |
Cdata_thermo | |
Cdata_thermo3 | |
Cdemo_state | |
Cdev_info_context | |
Cdevice_data_t | |
Cdevice_link | |
Cdfu_cmd_aligned | Union of all DFU commands - version with dfu_write_cmd_aligned |
Cdfu_cmd_msg | Structure of a DFU message |
Cdfu_write_cmd_aligned | Write command to write words of data - aligned for codespace and speed |
Cdispatch_flags | Flags for ensuring correct dispatch has been called for each message |
Cdns_context | Dynamically allocated context structure to pass to the DNS subsystem as a context |
CdnsServer | DNS server entry for managed list of DNS servers |
Cdrv_variables_t | |
Cenvironment2_cfg_t | Environment 2 Click configuration object |
Cenvironment2_t | Environment 2 Click context object |
Cenvironment2_voc_algorithm_params | Environment 2 Click VOC algorithm object |
CEVBME_callbacks | |
CEVBME_COMM_CHECK_request | Structure of the EVBME_COMM_CHECK message that can be used to test comms by host |
CEVBME_COMM_indication | Structure of the EVBME_COMM_INDICATION message that is used in response to EVBME_COMM_CHECK_request |
Cevbme_dfu_bootmode_cmd | Boot mode command to set default boot into DFU or APROM |
Cevbme_dfu_check_cmd | Check command to validate flash against a checksum |
CEVBME_DFU_cmd | EVBME DFU command holder, contains various sub-dfu commands from evbme_dfu_sub_cmd |
Cevbme_dfu_erase_cmd | Erase command to erase whole pages |
Cevbme_dfu_reboot_cmd | Reboot command to boot into DFU or APROM |
Cevbme_dfu_status_cmd | Status command used as a reply from the Chili2 to host |
Cevbme_dfu_sub_cmd | Union of all DFU sub-commands |
Cevbme_dfu_write_cmd | Write command to write words of data |
Cevbme_get_confirm | Evbme GET confirm struct (to respond to received GET requests) |
CEVBME_GET_confirm | EVBME Get data confirm structure |
CEVBME_GET_request | EVBME Get data request structure |
Cevbme_get_request | Evbme GET request struct (for received messages) |
CEVBME_Message | EVBME Message command in Cascoda TLV format |
CEVBME_MESSAGE_indication | EVBME Message indication structure |
Cevbme_msg | Union of GET request and confirm structs |
CEVBME_SET_confirm | EVBME Set data confirm structure |
CEVBME_SET_request | EVBME Set data request structure |
Cexpand13_cfg_t | Click configuration structure definition |
Cexpand13_t | Click ctx object definition |
CExtAddr | Contains raw extended address |
Cfan_cfg_t | Click configuration structure definition |
Cfan_t | Click context object definition |
Cfirmware_data_t | |
Cfnv1a_32_test_vector | |
Cfnv1a_64_test_vector | |
CFullAddr | Contains full addressing information for a node |
Cgpio_input_args | Arguments for the BSP_ModuleRegisterGPIOInput function |
Chal_gpio_t | GPIO HAL context structure, consisted of the following fields : |
Chal_i2c_master_config_t | I2C Master HAL init configuration structure, consisted of the following fields : |
Chal_i2c_master_handle_register_t | |
Chal_i2c_master_t | I2C Master HAL context structure, consisted of the following fields : |
Chal_spi_master_config_t | HAL SPI Master init configuration structure, consisted of the following fields : |
Chal_spi_master_handle_register_t | SPI Master level handle |
Chal_spi_master_t | SPI master HAL context structure, consisted of the following fields : |
CHidConfigurationDescriptor | Configuration descriptor for HID device |
Chvac_cfg_t | HVAC Click configuration object |
Chvac_t | HVAC Click context object |
CHWME_GET_confirm_pset | HWME_GET_confirm parameter set |
CHWME_GET_request_pset | HWME_GET_request parameter set |
CHWME_HAES_confirm_pset | HWME_HAES_confirm parameter set |
CHWME_HAES_request_pset | HWME_HAES_request parameter set |
CHWME_SET_confirm_pset | HWME_SET_confirm parameter set |
CHWME_SET_request_pset | HWME_SET_request parameter set |
CHWME_WAKEUP_indication_pset | HWME_WAKEUP_indication parameter set |
Cinst_priv | |
Cjoin_status | |
Ckernel_exchange_priv | |
Cknx_data_airquality4 | |
Cknx_data_environment2 | |
Cknx_data_hvac | |
Cknx_data_motion | |
Cknx_data_relay | |
Cknx_data_sht | |
Cknx_data_thermo | |
Cknx_data_thermo3 | |
Cled3_cfg_t | LED3 Click configuration object |
Cled3_rgb | |
Cled3_t | LED3 Click context object |
CM_DeviceDescriptor | |
CM_KeyDescriptor | |
CM_KeyDescriptor_st | |
CM_KeyDescriptor_thread | |
CM_KeyDeviceDesc | |
CM_KeyIdLookupDesc | |
CM_KeyTableEntryFixed | |
CM_KeyUsageDesc | |
CM_SecurityLevelDescriptor | |
CMAC_Message | SPI Message Format Typedef |
CMacAddr | Holds either short or extended address |
CMCPS_DATA_confirm_pset | MCPS_DATA_confirm parameter set |
CMCPS_DATA_indication_pset | MCPS_DATA_indication parameter set |
CMCPS_DATA_request_pset | MCPS_DATA_request parameter set |
CMCPS_PURGE_confirm_pset | MCPS_PURGE_confirm parameter set |
CMLME_ASSOCIATE_confirm_pset | MLME_ASSOCIATE_confirm parameter set |
CMLME_ASSOCIATE_indication_pset | MLME_ASSOCIATE_indication parameter set |
CMLME_ASSOCIATE_request_pset | MLME_ASSOCIATE_request parameter set |
CMLME_ASSOCIATE_response_pset | MLME_ASSOCIATE_response parameter set |
CMLME_BEACON_NOTIFY_indication_pset | MLME_BEACON_NOTIFY_indication parameter set |
CMLME_COMM_STATUS_indication_pset | MLME_COMM_STATUS_indication parameter set |
CMLME_DISASSOCIATE_confirm_pset | MLME_DISASSOCIATE_confirm parameter set |
CMLME_DISASSOCIATE_indication_pset | MLME_DISASSOCIATE_indication parameter set |
CMLME_DISASSOCIATE_request_pset | MLME_DISASSOCIATE_request parameter set |
CMLME_GET_confirm_pset | MLME_GET_confirm parameter set |
CMLME_GET_request_pset | MLME_GET_request parameter set |
CMLME_ORPHAN_indication_pset | MLME_ORPHAN_indication parameter set |
CMLME_ORPHAN_response_pset | MLME_ORPHAN_response parameter set |
CMLME_POLL_indication_pset | |
CMLME_POLL_request_pset | MLME_POLL_request parameter set |
CMLME_RX_ENABLE_request_pset | MLME_RX_ENABLE_request parameter set |
CMLME_SCAN_confirm_pset | MLME_SCAN_confirm parameter set |
CMLME_SCAN_request_pset | MLME_SCAN_request parameter set |
CMLME_SET_confirm_pset | MLME_SET_confirm parameter set |
CMLME_SET_request_pset | MLME_SET_request parameter set |
CMLME_START_request_pset | MLME_START_request parameter set |
CMLME_SYNC_LOSS_indication_pset | MLME_SYNC_LOSS_indication parameter set |
CModuleSpecialPins | |
Cmotion_cfg_t | Click configuration structure definition |
Cmotion_t | Click ctx object definition |
COTApiMsg | |
Cpage_program_helper_args | |
CPanDescriptor | Describes a discovered PAN |
Cpcap_hdr_s | Pcap file header struct as |
Cpcaprec_hdr_s | Pcap packet header struct as |
CPCPS_DATA_indication_pset_8211 | Parameter structures which have been duplicated from mac_messages.h to be able to handle all devices |
CPCPS_DATA_indication_pset_8212 | |
CPHYTestPar | |
CPHYTestRes | |
Cpinlist | |
Cpinstatus | |
Cread_data_helper_args | |
Crelay_cfg_t | Click configuration structure definition |
Crelay_t | Click ctx object definition |
CRTCDateAndTime | Interface Structure for RTC Date and Time |
CSecSpec | Security specification to be applied to MAC frames |
Csensorif_callbacks | |
Cserial_data | Union of all types of "data" (which commes after "cmdid" and "len") |
CSerialBuf | Cascoda serialbuffer structure |
CSerialBuffer | Structure of serial transfers |
CSerialUARTBuf | Cascoda serialbuffer structure |
CsettingBuffer | Data structure for vectored I/O using caUtilSettingsAddVector |
CsettingsBlock | |
CShortAddr | Contains raw little endian short address |
Csht_cfg_t | Click configuration structure definition |
Csht_t | Click ctx object definition |
CTDME_EDDET_indication_pset | TDME_EDDET_indication parameter set |
CTDME_ERROR_indication_pset | TDME_ERROR_indication parameter set |
CTDME_GETSFR_confirm_pset | TDME_GETSFR_confirm parameter set |
CTDME_GETSFR_request_pset | TDME_GETSFR_request parameter set |
CTDME_LOTLK_confirm_pset | TDME_LOTLK_confirm parameter set |
CTDME_LOTLK_request_pset | TDME_LOTLK_request parameter set |
CTDME_RXPKT_indication_pset | TDME_RXPKT_indication parameter set |
CTDME_SET_confirm_pset | TDME_SET_confirm parameter set |
CTDME_SET_request_pset | TDME_SET_request parameter set |
CTDME_SETSFR_confirm_pset | TDME_SETSFR_confirm parameter set |
CTDME_SETSFR_request_pset | TDME_SETSFR_request parameter set |
CTDME_TESTMODE_confirm_pset | TDME_TESTMODE_confirm parameter set |
CTDME_TESTMODE_request_pset | TDME_TESTMODE_request parameter set |
CTDME_TXPKT_confirm_pset | TDME_TXPKT_confirm parameter set |
CTDME_TXPKT_request_pset | TDME_TXPKT_request parameter set |
Ctest_context | Private data for test application |
Ctest_vector | |
Cthermo3_cfg_t | Click configuration structure definition |
Cthermo3_t | Click ctx object definition |
Cthermo_cfg_t | Click configuration structure definition |
Cthermo_t | Click ctx object definition |
Cuart_dev_ll_node | Structure representing a node in a linked list, used to store the port number of every detected serial device |
Cuart_device | Struct for representing the contents of CASCODA_UART environment variable |
Cuart_exchange_info | Private data for the UART exchange |
Cuart_exchange_priv | Private data for the UART Exchange |
Cusb_exchange_priv | The usb exchange private-data struct representing a single device |
CUsbBOSDescriptor | BOS descriptor |
CUsbConfigurationDescriptor | Configuration descriptor |
CUsbDeviceCapabilityDescriptor | Device Capability descriptor |
CUsbDeviceDescriptor | Device descriptor |
CUsbEndpointDescriptor | Endpoint descriptor |
CUsbHIDDescriptor | HID descriptor |
CUsbInterfaceDescriptor | Interface descriptor |
CUsbStringDescriptor | String descriptor |