
TrustZone Development Guide

This guide is a development guide for working with the Cascoda SDK and TrustZone. Some familiarity with the CMake build system is assumed, but the first section is an overview, not specific to the Cascoda SDK. Therefore, this guide should also be useful if not using CMake.

The guide is split into 3 sections:

TrustZone Overview

What is TrustZone?

The purpose of TrustZone is to separate secure (trusted) code and data from non-secure (untrusted) code. This is accomplished by hardware within the Arm core, which makes the separation very robust. The benefit is forbidding untrusted code from reading, modifying or freely executing secure code and data.

TrustZone also allows the secure firmware developer to mark MCU peripherals as trusted or untrusted. Thus, trusted hardware can only be accessed from secure code (inaccessible to the non-secure world), while non-trusted hardware can be accessed by both.

Overall, secure (trusted) code has access to the entire memory space & CPU peripherals, while non-secure (untrusted) code only has access to peripherals and regions marked as non-secure and non-secure callable by the secure bootloader.

What does TrustZone software look like?

The trust separation is reflected in the way TrustZone programs are compiled and linked. Two different binaries are produced by the build system:

These binaries must be flashed separately, at different addresses. This preserves the separation between trusted and untrusted code. Untrusted software is entirely separate from the secure binary, and only knows about a specifically defined ‘non-secure callable’ subset of API functions.

The start address of non-secure firmware must be known by:

Communicating between worlds

The secure firmware has access to the entire system. The non-secure firmware only has access to the parts deemed non-secure by the secure firmware.

The secure firmware can choose to provide an API to non-secure code through non-secure callable (NSC) functions (also known as entry functions). This allows non-secure code to access secure resources in a way that is safe, without breaking the security guarantees set in place by the secure software developer. The non-secure code does not need to do anything special to call an NSC function, as this is handled by the toolchain.

Secure code can securely access non-secure code using function pointers. The secure world can call the function pointer (a non-secure function) using the BLXNS instruction, which is practically used in C code by marking the function pointer with the cmse_nonsecure_call attribute. Function pointers must be used because the nonsecure binary is linked with the symbols from the secure binary, but the opposite does not occur. When the nonsecure function is called, the hardware ensures that the code only has access to the nonsecure parts of the system.

Here is a trivial example that demonstrates this concept in secure code:

The secure binary defines a NSC function called call_the_callback. Its argument callback is a function pointer. The nonsecure code can call the call_the_callback function with a function pointer to nonsecure code as an argument. The secure code is able to safely call callback while in a secure state, without compromising the secure-nonsecure barrier.

// in secure.c
#include <arm_cmse.h>

// Type for non-secure callback. The attribute instructs the compiler to safely
// call the non-secure function
typedef int (*nonsecure_callback_t)(int) __attribute__((cmse_nonsecure_call));

void call_the_callback(int (*callback)(int));
int do_secure_stuff_with(int);
int secure_get_int(void);

__attribute__((cmse_nonsecure_entry)) int call_the_callback(int (*callback)(int))
    int rval = secure_get_int();
    rval = ((nonsecure_callback_t) cmse_nsfptr_create(callback)) (rval);
    // Use the result for some secure work
    rval = do_secure_stuff_with(rval);
    return rval;

The non-secure binary defines function_for_secure, the callback for the secure binary, which is then passed to the secure code within main.

// in the non-secure main.c

int function_for_secure(int i)
    //This function is nonsecure, so cannot access any secure
    //state, even though it is called from secure code.
    return (i+1);

void main()
	int rval = call_the_callback(&function_for_secure);
	printf("rval: %d\n", rval);

Implementation detail: Secure Gateway Veneers

Changing between the secure and non-secure worlds is potentially dangerous. If it is not designed carefully, untrusted software may gain access to the entire system.

To mitigate this problem, TrustZone hardware allows the developer to define non-secure callable regions. These regions are the only place where non-secure code can execute the SG instruction (Secure Gateway) and switch to the secure world.

The non-secure callable region must only contain secure gateway veneers: very short functions consisting of the SG instruction and a jump to secure code. The secure binary defines its non-secure API by creating these secure gateway veneers.

Therefore, non-secure entry functions are composed of two parts:

The developer does not have to worry about the distinction between SG veneers and the actual code of the functions, since this is all handled by the compiler & linker. However, the veneers will be noticed if using a debugger to step through non-secure callable functions.

Cascoda and TrustZone

The Cascoda SDK defines a single secure TrustZone target. This is chili2-default-secure: a secure binary that contains FreeRTOS secure code, as well as the Cascoda BSP. This secure binary is what powers the Cascoda SDK TrustZone examples. It may be used as a reference if developing alternate secure firmware.

The non-secure callable API is defined through the use of the __NONSECURE_ENTRY macro, defined in system_M2351.h. This macro marks a function as non-secure callable, which generates a SG veneer and places it in the non-secure callable region.

The macro is used immediately before the function definition:

    u32_t sleeptime_ms,
    u8_t use_timer0,
    dpd_flag dpd,
    struct ca821x_dev *pDeviceRef
	u8_t  lxt_connected = 0;
	u32_t timeout_sec;

Further examples can be found in the Chili 2 version of cascoda_bsp_chili.c.

Using TrustZone with the Cascoda SDK

Enabling TrustZone

To enable trustzone in the Cascoda SDK for Chili 2, simply change the CMake cache variable CASCODA_CHILI2_TRUSTZONE from OFF to ON. This will cause the secure binary chili2-default-secure to be built, and correctly configure all of the example applications to build as nonsecure mode binaries. Note that when this option is enabled, the generated binaries can no longer be used without chili2-default-secure. To revert to non-trustzone builds, the CASCODA_CHILI2_TRUSTZONE can be set to OFF. As with any CMake configuration change, the SDK should then be rebuilt.

Building TrustZone

Building TrustZone enabled binaries using the Cascoda SDK does not require any special process other than enabling the cache variable. The additional chili2-default-secure binary will be built, and all other applications will be configured to use TrustZone.

Flashing TrustZone

Flashing TrustZone binaries to the M2351 is more complex than flashing non-trustzone applications, as two seperate binaries must be flashed to different locations. By default, when 64kb of flash is reserved for the secure firmware, the secure firmware is flashed to address 0x00000000 and the non-secure firmware is flashed to 0x10010000. The non-secure start address takes into account the different address space for secure/nonsecure code, and also the 64kb offset. There are two suggested methods of flashing trustzone code:

NOTE: After flashing TrustZone code, you will need to full-erase the device before being able to flash non-TrustZone code again. The NuLink must be used for this.

This method enables both flashing and debugging simultaneously, so is useful for development.

  1. Connect SEGGER J-Link to the Chili 2 and to USB. Make sure the Chili 2 is powered.
  2. Run the segger GDBServer program with the command JLinkGDBServer -select USB -device M2351KIAAE -endian little -if SWD -speed 50000 -noir
    • Other configurations are possible, but consult the J-Link documentation for more info
    • There is also a GUI version available - JLinkGDBServerExe
  3. Start either ‘arm-none-eabi-gdb’ or ‘gdb-multiarch’ (depending on installation) in the build directory with the following command:
    • arm-none-eabi-gdb -ex "target remote localhost:2331" -ex "file bin/chili2-default-secure" -ex "load bin/ot-cli -0x10000000" -ex "add-symbol-file bin/ot-cli" -ex "load" -ex "monitor reset"
    • change both instances of ot-cli to the desired application
  4. Answer ‘y’ to every prompt
  5. Use gdb to run & debug the application
  1. Connect the Nuvoton Nu-Link to the PC and the Chili 2. The Chili 2 does not need external power.
  2. Run the Nuvoton ICP Programming Tool
  3. Set the ‘APROM’ file to the chili2-default-secure.bin binary.
  4. Set the ‘APROM_NS’ file to the desired application binary.
  5. Open the Chip Settings menu, and set the Non-Secure region address to ‘0x00010000’

  1. Check the ‘APROM’, ‘APTOM_NS’, ‘Chip Setting’ boxes
  2. Click ‘Start’

Advanced: Changing the address space partition (ROM and RAM)

The allocation of secure and non-secure memory and flash is decided in the partition_M2351.h file. The Cascoda SDK contains two such files: one for the secure binary, and a default one for non-TrustZone targets. If different secure characteristics are required, the partition file of the secure binary should be modified. The partition file of the default secure binary (the chili2-default-secure target) can be found at baremetal\platform\chili2\port\include_tz\partition_M2351.h.

To change the allocation of ROM and RAM, the SCU_SECURE_SRAM_SIZE and FMC_SECURE_ROM_SIZE within the partition_M2351.h of the secure binary must be modified.

The linker scripts (for instance, secure.ld and nonsecure.ld within chili2-default-secure) must also be modified by changing the FLASH, RAM and __top_veneer_table to be consistent with the settings in partition_M2351.h. Failing to do so will usually result in hard faults (for instance, if the CPU is running non-secure code when it reaches the point of inconsistency) or reading all zeroes from the stack and possibly executing null instructions (if the CPU is in the secure mode). Cascoda aims to make these configurable using the build tool in a future SDK release - please contact us if you have a need for this.

Advanced: Configuring peripherals as secure or non-secure

The security status of peripherals is stored as integers within the partition_M2351.h file, where each bit of the integer represents the security status of a peripheral. 0 indicates the peripheral is secure, and 1 represents non-secure peripherals.

For instance, changing bit 24 of SCU_INIT_PNSSET0_VAL to 0 would make the PDMA1 peripheral accessible only to code running in secure mode.

Several peripherals on the M2351 can only be accessed in secure mode. They are SYS, CLK, NMI, PDMA0, RTC, FMC, SCU, WDT and TMR01.

Advanced: Adding non-secure callable functions

If application-specific non-secure callable functions are required then they must be added to the secure binary. Currently the only way to do this is to modify the Cascoda SDK chili2-default-secure binary, but Cascoda plans to enable a method of injecting additional behaviour from a parent application. The __NONSECURE_ENTRY macro should be used to mark a function as non-secure callable.

Common pitfalls

The security status bit of an address is implementation specific

The M2351 uses bit 28 of an address to indicate whether the address refers to secure or non-secure code, data or peripheral. When bit 28 is low, the address should point to something secure, and vice-versa. This convention is platform specific, check the datasheet if a different MCU is used, because getting this wrong makes things very difficult. This information will be in the section describing the IDAU (Implementation Defined Attribution Unit).

Read All Zeroes, Write Ignore

In our experience, bugs within TrustZone code often result in runtime errors that are very difficult to investigate.

The most common cause of such issues is if the security status of a peripheral is different from the security status of the address used to control that peripheral.

Accessing a secure peripheral using a non-secure address generally results in hardfaults. Accessing a non-secure peripheral using a secure address is even more insidious: it can result in the access failing transparently - reading from the address returns all zeroes and writing to the address is silently ignored. This is referred to in the datasheet as RAZWI (Read All Zeroes, Write Ignore).

Extract from the M2351 datasheet, showing its TrustZone memory map. The
addresses of each memory region show that bit 28 differentiates secure areas
from non-secure ones.

For instance, at one point in development, the CPU started hardfaulting within the secure binary while configuring some peripherals. The debugger revealed that the hardfault occurs when the CPU attempted to write to an address that looks like 0x0000 0128, which lies within program memory and cannot be directly written to. The actual peripheral that is supposed to be accessed lives at address 0xefff 0128, which is similar to what the write attempted to do, but lacks a critical offset.

Looking at the assembly reveals that 0xefff 0000 was put by the compiler onto the stack (the alternative would be to hardcode it as part of an immediate-mode instruction) because it was used in several writes. However, the secure stack was accidentally misconfigured to live within non-secure memory. Therefore, in order to write to the peripheral, the CPU tried reading from the stack using the secure alias of the stack pointer. Since the stack was configured as non-secure, reading from it always returns 0 and writing is ignored (RAZWI).

GCC cannot compile secure functions with arguments passed on the stack

Unfortunately, arm-none-eabi-gcc does not yet feature support for passing arguments on the stack, or even putting the return result on the stack. They must all reside within registers. This means that code which uses too many arguments, or arguments that are larger than 32 bits will fail to compile. Similarly, code that returns values larger than 32 bits will also fail.

The workaround for this issue is replacing the arguments with a pointer to a struct which holds the same data. Since the pointer is 32 bits, it will be passed to the function using a register.

For returning large amounts of data, a pointer argument to which the return data is copied can be used.

GCC has a compiler bug for nonsecure callable functions in combination with -Os

Do not use the -Os optimisation flag for the secure binary, or the compiler will generate incorrect code. This workaround is handled by the cascoda SDK and there is also a runtime trap to catch incorrect behaviour. Tracked here: