

This application generates binary files containing the KNX serial number, in the format expected by Chilis flashed with KNX-IoT binaries.

Running knx-gen-data.exe serialno.bin 00fa01abcd creates a file called serialno.bin in the current directory.
This also generates a random device password and precomputed SPAKE2+ records to allow much higher PBKDF iteration counts and improve security of OC_SPAKE. The password and other parameters of knx-gen-data can also be manually controlled as additional command line arguments. The form for this is knx-gen-data <output-file.bin> <serial-number> [password [eui64 [thread_pw [salt]]]].
The command for flashing serialno.bin onto a Chili is chilictl flash -m serialno.bin

Once flashed onto a Chili’s manufacturer data page, KNX binaries running on that Chili will take up the serial number “00FA01ABCD” and the generated pasword. The QR code data is printed as output by knx-gen-data.