Cascoda SDK
Cascoda SDK for building software to run with CA-821x transceivers
platform.h File Reference

Declarations of platform helper functions for Thread. More...

#include <stdint.h>
#include "openthread/instance.h"
#include "openthread/platform/radio.h"
#include "ca821x_api.h"
#include "cascoda-util/cascoda_settings.h"
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#define SuccessOrExit(aCondition)


enum  openthread_message_codes { OT_SERIAL_DOWNLINK = 0xB2 , OT_SERIAL_UPLINK = 0xB3 }


struct ca821x_devPlatformGetDeviceRef (void)
 Following Initialisation, this can be used to obtain the pDeviceRef that openthread is using. More...
int PlatformRadioInit (void)
 Initialise the openthread platform layer with the internal device struct. More...
int PlatformRadioInitWithDev (struct ca821x_dev *pDeviceRef)
 Initialise the openthread platform layer with apDeviceRef as the device. More...
int PlatformRadioInitWithDevEui64 (struct ca821x_dev *apDeviceRef, uint8_t *pEui64)
 Initialise the openthread platform layer with pDeviceRef as the device, and pEui64 as the EUI64. More...
int PlatformIsExpectingIndication (void)
 Determines whether or not an MCPS-DATA-INDICATION is currently expected, based on the result of the previous poll. More...
void PlatformRadioStop (void)
 Stop and reset the CA-821x. More...
void PlatformAlarmInit (void)
 Initialise the platform alarm subsystem. More...
otError PlatformSleep (uint32_t aSleepTime)
 Sends the platform and cax to sleep for the given number of milliseconds. More...
bool PlatformCanSleep (otInstance *aInstance)
 Check whether the platform is able to sleep. More...
otError PlatformUartReceive (const uint8_t *aBuf, uint16_t aBufLength)
 Handle received serial data. More...
otError PlatformTryJoin (struct ca821x_dev *pDeviceRef, otInstance *aInstance)
 Helper function to attempt the Thread joining process. More...
otError PlatformTryJoinWithCustomPoll (struct ca821x_dev *pDeviceRef, otInstance *aInstance, void(*poll_func)(void))
 Identical to PlatformTryJoin(), except that an additional poll function can be provided, which will be called while the joining process is in progress. More...
otError PlatformTryJoinWithPskd (struct ca821x_dev *pDeviceRef, otInstance *aInstance, const char *aPskd)
 Helper function to attempt the Thread joining process, with an explicit passcode. More...
otError PlatformTryJoinWithPskdWithCustomPoll (struct ca821x_dev *pDeviceRef, otInstance *aInstance, const char *aPskd, void(*poll_func)(void))
 Identiacl to PlatformTryJoinWithPsdk(), except that an additional poll function can be provided, which will be called while the joining process is in progress. More...
otError PlatformPrintJoinerCredentials (struct ca821x_dev *pDeviceRef, otInstance *aInstance, uint32_t aMaxWaitMs)
 Helper function to print the Thread Joiner credentials (for instance, upon boot). More...
otError PlatformPrintJoinerCredentialsWithPskd (struct ca821x_dev *pDeviceRef, otInstance *aInstance, uint32_t aMaxWaitMs, const char *aPskd)
 Helper function to print the Thread Joiner credentials, with an explicit passcode (for instance, upon boot). More...
otError PlatformEraseJoinerCredentials (otInstance *aInstance)
 Helper function to erase the joiner credentials of this device. More...
const char * PlatformGetJoinerCredential (otInstance *aInstance)
 Helper function to get the joiner credential of this device. More...
otError otPlatSettingsGetAddress (uint16_t aKey, int aIndex, void **aValue, uint16_t *aValueLength)
 Get the address at which a setting is stored, so that it can be read without copying it, as would be necessary when using otPlatSettingsGet(). More...
otError otPlatSettingsAddVector (otInstance *aInstance, uint16_t aKey, struct settingBuffer *aVector, size_t aCount)
 This function adds the value to a setting identified by aKey, without replacing any existing values. More...
otError PlatformGetQRString (char *aBufOut, size_t bufferSize, otInstance *aInstance)
 Get the QR text string format to be read as a Thread Connect QR Code, enabling external commissioning via the Thread Commissioning App. More...


otInstance * OT_INSTANCE

Detailed Description

Declarations of platform helper functions for Thread.