

A Chili control application for listing, flashing, and erasing connected Chili devices.

It can run on Windows or Posix and can be used for:

Prebuilt Windows binaries of chilictl can be found in the Windows release of the Cascoda SDK.

Please make sure that you have set up the USB or UART exchange as detailed in the development setup guide.

Run ./chilictl with the --help argument to print the help page. This option is also available on the sub-commands.

--- Chili Control Application ---
        C:\Users\Elie\Desktop\chilictl-reboot\sdk-win\bin\chilictl.exe [options] <command> [command options]
        -h, --help
                Print this message to stdout and exit.
        -v, --version
                Print version information to stdout and exit.
                Utility for listing connected chili devices
  type 'list -h' for more info

                Utility for flashing new binaries to connected chili devices, or to do a full erase
  type 'flash -h' for more info

                Utility for piping binary commands to/from a connected chili device
  type 'pipe -h' for more info

                Utility for rebooting connected chili devices
  type 'reboot -h' for more info


In order to discover connected chili devices and their meta-information, the ‘list’ sub command can be used.

List help page

# Check the output of --help for the latest help page
$ ./chilictl list -h
--- Chili Control: List Sub-Application ---
        chilictl [options] list [command options]
        -h, --help
                Print this message to stdout and exit.
                Filter the list to only include available devices, or unavailable devices if 'no'.
                Filter the list to only include devices which have an external flash chip, or those that don't if 'no'.
        -s <serialno>, --serialno=<serialno>
                Filter the list to only include the device with the given serial number.
        -v <version-no>, --min-version=<version-no>
                Filter the list to only include devices with a version greater or equal to the provided version. eg: 0.18
        -u, --enumerate-uart
                Will also enumerate devices connected to COM ports on your PC.

List output

$ ./chilictl list
2020-12-16 12:53:35.897 NOTE:  Cascoda SDK v0.14 Dec 16 2020
Device Found:
        Device: Chili2
        App: mac-dongle
        Version: v0.21-71-g49212790
        Serial No: E5F3704A4A4D5391
        Path: 0001:0051:00
        Available: Yes
        External Flash Chip Available: Yes
Device Found:
        Device: Chili2
        App: mac-dongle
        Version: v0.20-0-gdae8f1e
        Serial No: 2EBB635EB59C43EB
        Path: 0001:003f:00
        Available: Yes
        External Flash Chip Available: No

Unavailable devices

Only one Cascoda tool can use the USB link to a Chili at any given time. If, for example, serial-adapter is used with a device, chilictl will not be able to see its version number.

$ ./chilictl list
2023-07-05 15:23:22.289 NOTE:  Host Cascoda SDK v0.24-44-g38f1b1a3 Jun 20 2023
Device Found:
        Device: Chili2
        App: knx_iot_example_reed
        Version: ???
        Serial No: 627311A005488C1E
        Path: \\?\hid#vid_0416&pid_5020#8&6ccf466&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
        Available: No
        External Flash Chip Available: No


The flashing functionality is available over USB and UART, and requires firmware v0.14 or newer. A DFU firmware is required to be flashed before the application can be reflashed. See the ‘-d’ flag. The flashing process is designed to be failsafe. If the application is incorrectly flashed or not working, the device should fail into a stable state where it can be power cycled and reflashed. However, as a general precaution, the process should not be intentionally interrupted while it is in progress.

To get the serial number for the ‘s’ argument, the chilictl list sub command can be used.

Flash help page

--- Chili Control: Flashing Sub-Application ---

EXAMPLE 1 - DFU region update (this only has to be done once before being able to flash applications)
        $ ./chilictl flash -s FBC647CDB300A0DA -df "~/sdk-chili2/bin/ldrom_hid.bin"

EXAMPLE 2 - Application flashing
        $ ./chilictl flash -s FBC647CDB300A0DA -f "~/sdk-chili2/bin/mac-dongle.bin"

EXAMPLE 3 - Clearing the application flash region
        $ ./chilictl flash -s FBC647CDB300A0DA -c

EXAMPLE 4 - Clearing the application flash region before flashing an application
        $ ./chilictl flash -s FBC647CDB300A0DA -cf "~/sdk-chili2/bin/mac-dongle.bin"

        chilictl [options] flash [command options]

        -h, --help
                Print this message to stdout
        -s <serialno>, --serialno=<serialno>
                Flash the device with the given serial number.
        -b, --batch
                Permit the flashing of multiple devices at a time.
        -f <filepath>, --app-file=<filepath>
                Set the .bin application file to flash to the device(s)
        -o <filepath>, --ota-boot-file=<filepath>
                Set the .bin ota bootloader file to flash to the device(s)
        -m <filepath>, --manu-data-file=<filepath>
                Set the .bin manufacturer data file to flash to the device(s)
        -d, --dfu-update
                Update the DFU region itself, rather than the application.
        -e, --external-flash-update
                Use the external flash update procedure (or OTA update) to flash the new binary. This is only supported by devices with a 2nd level bootloader (ota-bootloader.bin) flashed alongside an application binary which supports ota upgrade.
        -c, --clear-aprom
                Clear the entire application flash region.
                Ignore the version check on the device to be flashed. Warning: Flashing will not work if device firmware is older than v0.14.
        -u, --enumerate-uart
                Will also enumerate devices connected to COM ports on your PC.

DFU region update

To use the reflashing functionality, a DFU firmware must be flashed alongside the application. This only has to be done once, or to update it. The --dfu-update or -d argument is used for this.

$ ./chilictl flash -s FBC647CDB300A0DA -df "~/sdk-chili2/bin/ldrom_hid.bin"
2020-12-16 12:56:46.510 NOTE:  Cascoda SDK v0.14 Dec 16 2020
Flasher [FBC647CDB300A0DA]: INIT -> REBOOT
Flasher [FBC647CDB300A0DA]: REBOOT -> ERASE
Flasher [FBC647CDB300A0DA]: ERASE -> FLASH
Flasher [FBC647CDB300A0DA]: FLASH -> VERIFY

Application flashing

If a DFU firmware is flashed as described above, then the application can be replaced with a new binary by specifying a serial number and file as arguments.

$ ./chilictl flash -s FBC647CDB300A0DA -f "~/sdk-chili2/bin/mac-dongle.bin"
2020-12-16 12:59:12.130 NOTE:  Cascoda SDK v0.14 Dec 16 2020
Flasher [FBC647CDB300A0DA]: INIT -> REBOOT
Flasher [FBC647CDB300A0DA]: REBOOT -> ERASE
Flasher [FBC647CDB300A0DA]: ERASE -> FLASH
Flasher [FBC647CDB300A0DA]: FLASH -> VERIFY

Note: By default, this will only erase as much flash as is needed to fit the new binary being flashed. However, it is possible do a full erase prior to flashing the new binary by adding the -c (long-form --clear-aprom to the above command).

On a high level, the different phases are:

Phase Description
INIT Finding a connected device to flash
REBOOT Rebooting the device into DFU mode, set bootmode as DFU
ERASE Erase the application flash
FLASH Write the application flash
VERIFY Verify that the flash was written correctly
VALIDATE Validate that the device can successfully boot into application and communicate with chilictl. Set bootmode to application.

Full erase

This application can also be used to do a full erase of the Chili. This can be done by itself, by specifying the -c flag.

$ ./chilictl flash -s FBC647CDB300A0DA -c
2020-12-16 12:59:12.130 NOTE:  Cascoda SDK v0.14 Dec 16 2020
Flasher [6134A7B7122944B5]: INIT -> REBOOT
Flasher [6134A7B7122944B5]: REBOOT -> ERASE
Flasher [6134A7B7122944B5]: ERASE -> VERIFY
Flasher [6134A7B7122944B5]: VERIFY -> COMPLETE

As mentioned in the previous section, it is also possible to specify the -c flag with an -f flag followed by a path to a binary, in order to do a full erase (instead of partial erase) prior to flashing the new binary.

Flashing manufacturer data

Chilictl can be used to flash manufacturer data to a device, without needing to build and flash an entirely new binary. For example, this can be used to give each device within a production run a different serial number. For KNX devices, you can use the knx-gen-data tool to generate a binary file containing only the manufacturer data.

$ ./chilictl.exe flash -m .\knx-manufacturer-data.bin
2023-01-12 13:17:39.809 NOTE:  Host Cascoda SDK v0.22 Jan 11 2023
1 devices found.
Flasher [31655F339ABDFB6B]: INIT -> REBOOT
Flasher [31655F339ABDFB6B]: REBOOT -> ERASE
Flasher [31655F339ABDFB6B]: ERASE -> FLASH
Flasher [31655F339ABDFB6B]: FLASH -> VERIFY
Flasher [31655F339ABDFB6B]: VERIFY -> VALIDATE
Flasher [31655F339ABDFB6B]: VALIDATE -> COMPLETE

Future options

In the future, applications will be able to support Over-The-Air upgrade (which would be enabled by setting the CMake cache variable CASCODA_OTA_UPGRADE_ENABLED to ON). To flash such applications using Chilictl, the process is slightly different, and there are three options, shown in the subsequent sections:

A DFU firmware is required to be flashed before the application can be reflashed. See the ‘-d’ flag. The flashing process is designed to be failsafe. If the application is incorrectly flashed or not working, the device should fail into a stable state where it can be power cycled and reflashed. However, as a general precaution, the process should not be intentionally interrupted while it is in progress.

To get the serial number for the ‘s’ argument, the chilictl list sub command can be used.

Flashing an application with OTA upgrade support

Applications with OTA upgrade support need to be flashed alongside a second level bootloader. This can be done by specifying both the path to the application binary with the ‘-f’ flag, and the path to the second level bootloader binary with the ‘-o’ flag. Unlike the DFU firmware, which only needs to be flashed once, both the second level bootloader and the application have to be flashed together every time a new application (with OTA upgrade support) needs to be flashed.

$ ./chilictl flash -s FBC647CDB300A0DA -f "~/sdk-chili2/bin/mac-dongle.bin" -o "~/sdk-chili2/bin/ota-bootloader.bin"
2021-11-09 12:24:52.319 NOTE:  Host Cascoda SDK v0.21-128-gc214ef37-dirty Nov  9 2021
1 devices found.
Flasher [22146E58ED5854EB]: INIT -> OTA_ERASE
Flasher [22146E58ED5854EB]: OTA_ERASE -> REBOOT
Flasher [22146E58ED5854EB]: REBOOT -> ERASE
Flasher [22146E58ED5854EB]: ERASE -> FLASH
Flasher [22146E58ED5854EB]: FLASH -> VERIFY
Flasher [22146E58ED5854EB]: VERIFY -> VALIDATE
Flasher [22146E58ED5854EB]: VALIDATE -> COMPLETE

Flashing an application with OTA upgrade support using the external flash

Caution: this alternative method to flash an application with OTA upgrade support is not recommended, because:

The purpose for this method of flashing is to simulate and test the OTA upgrade procedure, so this is the only use case for which it is recommended to be used. This can be done by specifying the path to the application binary with the ‘-f’ flag, and by including the ‘-e’ flag in order to indicate that the flashing is done via the external flash. Note: The second level bootloader should not be flashed alongside the application.

$ ./chilictl flash -s FBC647CDB300A0DA -ef "~/sdk-chili2/bin/mac-dongle.bin"
2021-11-09 12:42:16.403 NOTE:  Host Cascoda SDK v0.21-128-gc214ef37-dirty Nov  9 2021
1 devices found.
ExternalFlasher [22146E58ED5854EB]: INIT -> ERASE
ExternalFlasher [22146E58ED5854EB]: ERASE -> PROGRAM
ExternalFlasher [22146E58ED5854EB]: PROGRAM -> VERIFY
ExternalFlasher [22146E58ED5854EB]: VERIFY -> COMPLETE


The pipe subcommand can be used to pipe binary data to and from a connected chili device.

Pipe help page

# Check the output of --help for the latest help page
$ ./chilictl.exe pipe -h
--- Chili Control: Binary piping Sub-Application ---
        chilictl [options] pipe [command options]
        -h, --help
                Print this message to stdout
        -s <serialno>, --serialno=<serialno>
                Pipe the device with the given serial number.
        -a, --any
                Pick any matching device, rather than throwing error if more than one match.
        -u, --enumerate-uart
                Will also enumerate devices connected to COM ports on your PC.

Pipe example: MLME Get

The pipe subcommand is intended to be used in a binary pipeline such as a script or host program.

# Note: xxd converts between binary and hexadecimal
$ echo '45020000' | xxd -r -p | ./chilictl.exe pipe -s FBE1D029210B662B | xxd -p
2021-04-12 19:03:11.661 NOTE:  Host Cascoda SDK v0.16-56-g16333291-dirty Apr 12 2021


The Reboot subcommand can be used to reboot connected chili devices. It can also factory reset the target device, i.e. reset the Thread and KNX credentials, before doing the reboot.

Reboot help page

# Check the output of --help for the latest help page
$ ./chilictl.exe reboot -h
--- Chili Control: Rebooting Sub-Application ---

EXAMPLE - To reboot the connected Chili device:
        $ ./chilictl reboot -s FBC647CDB300A0DA

        chilictl reboot [command options]

        -h, --help
                Print this message to stdout.
        -s <serialno>, --serialno=<serialno>
                Reboot the device with the given serial number.
        -b, --batch
                Reboot all connected devices.
        -r, --factory-reset
                Resets the Thread and KNX credentials to their factory settings before rebooting.
        -u, --enumerate-uart
                Will also enumerate devices connected to COM ports on your PC.

Reboot examples

# EXAMPLE 1: Reboot all connected devices
# Note use of -b option to reboot all connected devices
$ .\chilictl.exe reboot -b
2023-02-13 09:35:06.878 NOTE:  Host Cascoda SDK v0.22-361-g873af65f-dirty Feb 13 2023
2 devices found.
[302875043BF556ED]: INIT -> REBOOT
[302875043BF556ED]: REBOOT -> DONE
[6134A7B7122944B5]: INIT -> REBOOT
[6134A7B7122944B5]: REBOOT -> DONE
# EXAMPLE 2: Factory reset and reboot device with serial number 6134A7B7122944B5
# Note use of -r option for factory reset
$ .\chilictl.exe reboot -s 6134A7B7122944B5 -r
2023-02-13 09:35:06.878 NOTE:  Host Cascoda SDK v0.22-361-g873af65f-dirty Feb 13 2023
1 device found.
[6134A7B7122944B5]: INIT -> FACTORY_RESET
[6134A7B7122944B5]: FACTORY_RESET -> REBOOT
[6134A7B7122944B5]: REBOOT -> DONE